Tripoli- The issue of pushback of refugees and asylum seekers back to Libya reached its bitter level. Regardless of the criticisms it faced, Italy continued to breach the rights of asylum seekers, in particular Eritreans since 2003. At the back of every abuse on Eritreans, Italian presence is evident. It financed all the detention, deportation and raids from Libya. Italy should be condemned and should be highly criticized for its racist policy for providing good abuse ground in Libya.
It is true, all the violence is taken in Libya, but it is mostly attributed to Italy. Italy finance detentions, it finance deportation flights and now Italy is dumping asylum seekers back to Libyan soil with out caring what will happen to them on the Libyan ground. Among the pushed back people are Eritreans and Somalis, which are all refugees and potential refugees. Eritreans who flee their county for asylum claim are at the extreme end. Their right to claim asylum in EU states is breached and they are sent back to dark detentions of Libya. Italy do not even try to negotiate with Libyan counterparts about how this refugees should be handled.With out trying to screen out their claim, they are sent back from the high sea. Berlusconi rather advocates about their welcoming with UNHCR in Libya...It is all misleading and it should be condemned.
Now, all the pushed-back once, who remained for about a year in detention are in danger. According to the detainees, they were seriously beaten by a ranger army and sent back in closed containers to Sebha deportation center, most probably to be kicked back to Eritrea. How Rome will defend its naked tactic of push back? It is clear now, it is clear even for those who pretend not to accept the truth. It is not only Libya, but also Italy should be condemned for every thing that is happening in Libya. By the end of the day, the two countries should be pressurized to respect their international obligations on human rights.
But, the fate of the Eritreans in Sebha detention center is unknown. After they are transported early morning 30th June, they remain there. Many of them are with pajamas and the rest are naked as they did not get time to wear their closes. Many are lightly injured and few are injured seriously. They are now with out any humanitarian assistance and out side the reach of eye. Their mobile phones remained closed, thus nobody knows if they are still there or something is done.
The Eritrean community in Tripoli hopes that, the Italian population to condemn its racist government that do not obey its international obligation.Italian government should stop looking revenues at the cost of immigration. Libya is the number one to be criticized, but Italy also the second as every thing is done with the Euro of Italy. Italy and Libya, obey your international obligations. It is about human right we talking, not on oil or trade goods. High respect on human being and less value on oil/natural gas!!!
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